
Root Chakra

Sanskrit Name: Muladhara

Located: Base of the Spine

Element: Earth

Function: Survival, Grounding 

Color: Red

Sound: Lam 

Yoga Poses: Mountain, Warrior I, II & III, Tree Pose

Affirmations: I am nourished & supported by Mother Earth, I am safe, protected and guided in this world, I am grounded & connected to this body.

In practices of energy healing I find that the Root Chakra can be disrupted if someone is feeling financially insecure or not in a safe or secure living situation. You also may experience feeling disconnected and not present. 


Root Chakra healing: 

Stand barefooted in the earth, grass, dirt or sand

Eat root veggies, red color fruits and veggies, proteins & minerals 

Listen to grounding Meditation envisioning rooting back into the earth

Scents that are grounding are anything woodsy like cedarwood, firs, palo santo, vetiver 

Chant the sound Lam focusing on the base of the spine, imaging a red colored energy wheel spinning around and around. 


Root Chakra Smoothie

1 Cup of Coconut Milk

1 Beet (peeled & chopped up)

Raspberries (handful) 

Apple (red of course)


1 TBSP Cacao Powder or Protein Powder (Optional)

Blend it up and Enjoy.