
Solar Chakra

Sanskrit Name: Manipura

Located: Navel to Solar Plexus

Element: Fire

Function: Confidence, Will, Power

Color: Yellow

Sound: Ram

Yoga Poses: Boat, Cobra, Bow Pose, Poses with a twist

Affirmations:  I embody inner peace and confidence, I love and accept myself, I am in alignment with the abundant flow of the universe 

In practices of energy healing I usually begin in the center of the body/solar plexus. This is the middle ground between all things earthly and spiritual. You make experience digestive issues or low self-esteem if this chakra is underactive or out of balance. 

Solar Plexus Chakra healing: 

Sitting next to a fire

Eating yellow foods like bananas, pineapples, mangos, yellow squash, spaghetti squash or drinking warm lemon water

Listen to confidence building affirmations or the sounds of a crackling fire

Scents that are balancing for solar plexus are lemon, lemongrass, grapefruit, ginger 

Chant the sound Ram focusing on the center of the belly  imaging a bright yellowed colored energy wheel spinning around and around. 

Solar Plexus Smoothie

1 Cup of Coconut Milk

1 Banana

1 small mango

1/2 medium pineapple

scoop of protein powder (optional)

Blend together. SOOOOO freaking good!!