• Chakras

    Solar Chakra

    Sanskrit Name: Manipura Located: Navel to Solar Plexus Element: Fire Function: Confidence, Will, Power Color: Yellow Sound: Ram Yoga Poses: Boat, Cobra, Bow Pose, Poses with a twist Affirmations:  I embody inner peace and confidence, I love and accept myself,…

  • Chakras

    Sacral Chakra

    Sanskrit Name: Svadhisthana Located: Lower abdomen  Element: Water  Function: creativity, desire, passion, sexuality  Color: Orange Sound: Vam  Yoga Poses: Pigeon, Goddess Pose, Wide Leg Forward Fold, Happy baby Affirmations: I embrace and celebrate my sexuality, I am living a pleasurable…

  • Chakras

    Root Chakra

    Sanskrit Name: Muladhara Located: Base of the Spine Element: Earth Function: Survival, GroundingĀ  Color: Red Sound: LamĀ  Yoga Poses: Mountain, Warrior I, II & III, Tree Pose Affirmations: I am nourished & supported by Mother Earth, I am safe, protected…

  • Inspiration

    2019 Recap

    If you are ever looking for things to be grateful for look through your camera roll on your phone.  This little blog was fun to do because I really got to see and re-live the past year  all thanks to…