The Fall
A day comes when life comes crashing down, this could be an unexpected death, terminal illness, a divorce, job loss, or any life change that is traumatic for us. We are coasting along and all of a sudden the bottom drops out, some of us live in anxiety waiting for this moment, for some it comes out of nowhere and we are left picking our jaw up off the ground.
The premonition
I love wild-ass synchronicities. I have premonition dreams quite often and my whole life. One night I had a dream my best friend was trying to take off on a hand glider/hot air balloon(it’s a dream bear with me), she…
The climb before the fall
I was obsessed with this rock, good ol’ Bell Rock, in Sedona, AZ. Its journey was not an easy one, although it was defined as “beginner”, it was challenging yet so gratifying. Its masculine energy kept calling to me to…
Letting Go: Grief
This morning on my morning walk I got a pop-up on my phone of a memory. The memory was a video of my dear, Grandma, Gladys who passed away last June. It was just a comical little video capturing one…
Spring Energy Cleaning
Spring is here. We are leaving the cold, short, dark days of winter. While winter is and important time for introspection, reflection and rest it is time to step into Spring. In this mini series there are 3 sessions on…