Wendy's Blog

  • Inspiration

    Extraordinary Moment

    I finally got professional photos done last week. Can I tell you how anxious I was about this? I was so worried about looking heavy and old. I even started talking myself into ways to get out of it. BUT,…

  • Inspiration

    10 Steps to Raise Your Vibration

    This year has been a tough one. I think we can all agree on this. Between the pandemic, my dear, Grandmother dying, and our neighborhood being hit by a tornado during a hurricane, I found myself experiencing mild depression. These…

  • Yoga off the Mat


    SVADHYAYA – pronounced like SVAD YAYA (click to here for pronunciation)  Today before teaching my second ever virtual yoga class one of the Niyamas came to mine, SVADHYAYA. I am a rebellious creature, always have been and imagine I always…

  • Chakras

    Solar Chakra

    Sanskrit Name: Manipura Located: Navel to Solar Plexus Element: Fire Function: Confidence, Will, Power Color: Yellow Sound: Ram Yoga Poses: Boat, Cobra, Bow Pose, Poses with a twist Affirmations:  I embody inner peace and confidence, I love and accept myself,…